Now available For Private Consultation by Phone
Phone (808) 372-1816
Appearing on Blog Talk Radio every Friday from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm PST
"Life Laughter Happiness" Call to Listen or Get a FREE reading Phone (516) 531-9874 Also on ROKU and U-TUBE Search DAYLE SCHEAR

Psychic Dayle Schear
Cell Phone HI (808)372-1816 OR NV (775) 790-5822
Email: ESP555555@aol.com
Website dayleschears.com

ABOUT Dayle, Aloha
Internationally know psychic, Dayle Schear, is credited with solving numerous cases including finding lost possessions, locating missing items, missing persons, murders, by seeing into the past, present and future. She is able to cross over with uncanny accuracy. One of the few psychics living today that can demonstrate her ability on stage as well as in person with compassion, and precision.
Dayle Schear is a World Renowned Psychic. She trained for six years with Peter Hurkos (The Foremost Psychic of the 20th Century - Psychic Detective).
He trusted Dayle's abilities as a Psychic.
Dayle has hosted her own T.V. show ESP & YOU for over 14 years.
It aired on CBS and ABC in Hawaii for years.
Dayle worked with the numerous Police Dept., FBI and other governmental agencies in many cities, helping them to solve many cases. They call on her when they need assistance and know she has a track record of accuracy.
Dayle specializes in Psychometry - the ability to see past-present-future associations by touching objects. Through these gifts she has been able to solve numerous murder cases, find missing people, make predictions, etc. , amongst numerous other things.
She has appeared on National Television and Radio Talk Shows and has been seen on "HARD COPY" (O.J. Trial Psychic). Dayle lectures throughout the United States and abroad
She is well known by all the local people in Hawaii for her accuracy. Her accuracy is astounding. Dayle's passion is helping everyday people throughout the United states on a one to one basis for she believes if you can help just One person in Mankind you can help a world full of souls help themselves.